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The agitating wrestlers deserve better standards of justice

Neither Indira was India and India was Indira, nor will Modi be India and India be Modi. No individual is more than the nation. No party is more than the nation. No ideology is more than the nation.
It is pathetic to find that those who until yesterday were critical of the Congress slogan: Indira is India and India is Indira are vigorously marketing the idea of Modi being India and India being Modi. When Anurag Thakur the other day accused Rahul Gandhi of giving India a bad name because he was criticizing Prime Minister Modi, he only reinforced the synonymity of Modi and India.
It may not be forgotten that it is the job of a politician from the opposition to evaluate the government policies. In a democracy , one allows people the right to question government policies and actions. Rahul Gandhi, though no more a member of parliament, nevertheless is an Indian individual who has all the right to express his views on men and matters and demand course correction. It is interesting to see the reaction of the present rulers of India to any criticism of their policies and actions . For them all such people are anti-national. It is unfair on the part of the government to stifle the voice of the people who are their master, constitutionally. It is a violation of the oath of office of ministers , including the Prime Minister, to discriminate and deny justice. It is a shame that this government has failed to do justice to the women wrestlers who brought glory to the nation. They made India and Indians proud with their achievements . The rulers want to shield a criminal with a rather “brilliant “ record of crimes just because he is “their man”. And those in government who are given to reacting to the most harmless comment are dumb. Prime Minister Modi has once again proved that he is not to be trusted to live up to the oath of his office of not discriminating and doing justice to all. The agitating wrestlers surely deserve better standards of justice.

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