Ira Khan, daughter of actor Aamir Khan, got engaged to her boyfriend Nupur Shikhare. Taking to Instagram, the duo shared a post announcing that they were engaged after over two years of dating. Ira Khan attended one of Nupur’s cycling events during which he proposed to her.
In the clip, Ira stood in the audience along with other people. Nupur walked towards her, kissed her and went down on his knees. He then asked her, “Will you marry me?” and Ira replied, “Yes.” The couple kissed again, amid cheers and claps from the people, after which Nupur walked away. Sharing the post, they wrote, “Popeye: She said yes (smiling face with hearts and red heart emojis). Ira: Hehe (smiling face, face with hand over mouth emojis) I said yes.” Reacting to the post, Rohman Shawl commented, “Congratulations you two @nupur_shikhare @khan.ira.” Fatima Sana Shaikh said, “This is the sweetest thing I have ever seen. Uff. @nupur_shikhare so filmy uff.” Rhea Chakraborty commented, “Congratulations you guys.”
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