Angelina Jolie has been seen with Paul Mescal after a fan spotted and photographed the pair having coffee together in London, England on Tuesday. The Oscar-winning actor was seen in conversation with the young actor who broke through with his performance as Connell in the series Normal People in 2020. Angelina’s 16-year-old daughter, Shiloh, was also present with them at the Almeida Café & Bar. Earlier in the day, Angelina and Shiloh had watched Paul perform on stage at the Almeida Theatre. He is playing the lead role of Stanley in the Tennessee Williams play until February 4. The actors were spotted by a fan who photographed them. A Paul fan account on Instagram shared the photograph on their Instagram Story with the caption, “Angelina Jolie saw ‘A Streetcar named desire’ yesterday and after they grabbed a coffee at the @almeida_theatre Cafe.” Both have their backs to the camera; Paul is wearing a red T-shirt and Angelina is dressed in black.
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