Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli became parents to a baby girl on January 11. Since then, fans of the couple have been waiting to catch the first glimpse of the newborn baby. But, Virushka, as their fans fondly address them, wants to protect the privacy of their child and hence have requested photographers in Mumbai not to click photos of their daughter. In a statement, Virat and Anushka said, “Hi, Thank you for all the love that you have given us for all these years. We are happy to celebrate this momentous occasion with you. As parents, we have a simple request to make to you. We want to protect the privacy of our child and we need your help and support.“ The couple promised the paparazzi all the ‘content’ featuring them but urged the photographers to not “take any content that has our child.” “While, we will always ensure that you get all the content you need featuring us, we would request you to kindly not take or carry any content that has our child. We know that you will understand where we are coming from and we thank you for the same,” Virushka added.
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