Suniel Shetty’s daughter Athiya Shetty who also followed in her father’s footsteps and debuted in Bollywood with the film Hero. Even though she hasn’t been very active on the big screen much, she is an avid social media user and enjoys a massive fanbase. She had never kept her relationship with the Indian cricketer KL Rahul hidden from the media, and now on January 23, 2023, the madly-in-love couple tied the knot. It was rather an intimate wedding ceremony. However, do you know what gifts the newlyweds receive from their close ones? Scroll below to get the scoop which might leave you spellbound!
Athiya and KL Rahul looked magical at their wedding ceremony where they can be seen wearing gorgeous shaadi ka joda. Athiya donned a pastel pink coloured self-embroidered lehenga choli with polki jewellery, while Rahul looked dashing in a soft cream coloured sherwani suit.
The newlyweds Athiya Shetty and KL Rahul received a lot of luxurious gifts from their friends, family and relatives. It included an Audi worth Rs 1.64 crore that they received from Salman Khan. Suniel Shetty gifted his daughter and son-in-law a lavish apartment of Rs 50 crores as reported in ETimes. Jackie Shroff who is a close friend of Suniel Shetty gifted Athiya Shetty a Chopard Watch worth Rs 30 Lakh. On the other hand, the actress’s close friend Arjun Kapoor gave her a diamond bracelet of whopping Rs 1.5 crore.
While KL Rahul’s cricket team mate and Indian cricket team captain Virat Kohli gifted the newlyweds a BMW car of Rs 2.17 crore, Mahendra Singh Dhoni gave Rahul a Kawasaki Ninja bike that comes with a whopping price of Rs 80 lakhs.