The trailer for Bhumi Pednekar’s next film, Bhakshak (literally translating to predator) was released on January 31. In the film, Bhumi will be essaying the role of an investigative journalist, who is out to expose those involved in a case of sexual assault of girls at a shelter home. Bhakshak is directed Pulkit. The trailer for Bhakshak introduces the dark side of a girl’s shelter home, run by Aditya Srivastava, aka Bansi Sahu. Bhumi takes up the case to expose the truth, going against everyone’s advice. The film is inspired by true events.
Bhakshak also stars Sanjay Mishra, Sai Tamhankar and Surya Sharma. It is backed by Gauri Khan and Gaurav Verma under the banner of Red Chillies Entertainment. Sharing the trailer, Shah Rukh Khan wrote on Instagram, “A story of resilience that needs to be told. Bhakshak, a film inspired by true events, releasing on 9th February, only on Netflix.”
Talking about the film, Bhumi recently told news agency ANI about her experience of stepping into the shoes of a journalist. She said, “Journalism is a difficult career…it needs a lot of courage to ask the right questions, especially to the people who are in power. To ask questions fearlessly definitely needs a lot of courage… I salute the journalists out there for doing their job with integrity and fearlessness. I have learned a lot by working on this film. I feel honoured.”
“Working on Bhakshak was quite challenging as it is based on a sensitive and hard-hitting topic. The film asks questions at a core level that is bound to shake one’s conscience. I hope the film sparks conversations that lead to meaningful change. The film sheds light on the crimes against the children,” she also added. ‘Bhakshak,’ is inspired by the events of the Muzaffarpur Women’s Shelter Case of 2020. Aditya Srivastava portrays Bansi Sahu, a character inspired from Brajesh Thakur, the mastermind of the real-life case.
The case first came into light when the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) presented a report to the Bihar government on May 26, 2018, bringing to attention the alleged sexual abuse of minor girls in the shelter home for the first time.
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