Brad Pitt’s effortless action-comedy avatar takes centre-stage in the trailer of the upcoming film ‘Bullet Train’, unveiled on Wednesday. As per The Hollywood Reporter, with a screenplay by Zak Olkewicz, the film is based on ‘Maria Beetle’ by Kotaro Isaka. The Oscar-winning actor stars in the stylish action-thriller from the director of ‘Deadpool 2’, David Leitch. Nearly three-minutes long, the first trailer for the film is packed with action and Pitt’s unique brand of charming humour. Pitt headlines an ensemble cast of eclectic assassins, all with their own objectives, set against the backdrop of a non-stop ride through modern-day Japan. In addition to Pitt, ‘Bullet Train’ stars Joey King, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Brian Tyree Henry, Andrew Koji, Hiroyuki Sanada, Michael Shannon and Benito A Martinez Ocasio.
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