Deepika Padukone gave her Insta-fam a sneak peek into her ‘daily routine’ in her new post. The video began with her walking on the streets of Mumbai and featured a montage of her at different shoots. She revealed that she likes to ‘mix it up’. On being asked about her daily routine, Deepika said, “It’s really difficult to say because no two days are the same but wake up, brush my teeth and have breakfast. I like the mornings to be really quiet. And then, I like to throw in a workout at some point of the day but other than that, everything is open.”
While there is a part of Deepika that likes to plan things to a tee, there is another part that prefers spontaneity. When asked if she plans a lot, she answered, “Yes and no! I think there’s a part of me that likes to plan everything and there’s a part of me that just likes to leave everything and just go with the flow. So, that’s also part of my planning and routine.”
Deepika has been sharing vlog-style videos on Instagram after purging her account on New Year. Her earlier posts include fun dance videos, a bake-off with her childhood friend and a video about her favourite TV show as a child.
On the work front, Deepika has a number of projects in the pipeline. She will be seen next in Kabir Khan’s 83 alongside her husband Ranveer Singh. The sports drama was recently given a new release date — June 4 — after multiple delays because of the pandemic. Source: HT