Tiger Shroff celebrated his 32nd birthday with a super cute greeting from his rumoured girlfriend Disha Patani. She posted a video of the birthday boy staring into the camera with the caption: “Happiest b’day my best friend. Thank you for inspiring millions of us with your hardwork and most beautiful soul. You’re beautiful.” In the music video Befikra, Disha Patani and Tiger Shroff shared screen time for the first time. They later appeared together in the 2018 hit action film Baaghi 2. The actress appeared alongside Tiger in the Baaghi 3 song Do You Love Me. In Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai, Disha appeared alongside Tiger Shroff’s father, Jackie Shroff. Tiger Shroff was most recently seen in Baaghi 3, in which he co-starred with Shraddha Kapoor. The actor is best known for his roles in movies such as War, Heropanti, The Flying Jatt, the Baaghi series, and Student Of The Year 2. This year, the actor has an impressive slate of films. Heropanti 2, Baaghi 4, and Ganapath are among his upcoming projects. In 2020, the actor made his singing debut. He will also appear in the Akshay Kumar film Bade Miyan Chote Miyan.
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