Actor Dwayne Johnson took to Instagram to share a video of himself taking his Jungle Cruise co-star Emily Blunt on a Jungle Cruise ride before the premiere of their film. The video begins with Dwayne taking Emily on her first Jungle Cruise ride. The two engage with their skipper and try to understand her ‘jokes’, giving Emily leverage to take a potshot at Dwayne’s sense of humour as well. “Still better than your jokes,” she says. When they disembark, they are greeted by screaming fans. Before they enter the theatre, Emily says nervously, “I am about to throw up.” The rest of the video focuses on the duo engaging with their fans after the film. Dwayne Johnson captioned the post, “Peak backstage with Emily & I for our JUNGLE CRUISE premiere day. After 3 years in the making, it was with butterflies, with mana and with so much love and gratitude for every soul in the theater that came to celebrate this special moment with us – our official worldwide JUNGLE CRUISE premiere. It was an incredible experience to share safely alongside the fans, the press and best of all the REAL Disneyland Jungle Cruise skippers right there under the stars at Disneyland. And very cool to take Emily on her first ever ride of JUNGLE CRUISE.”
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