Emma Stone embraces graphic sex in new film

Actress Emma Stone felt ‘no shame’ filming raunchy scenes in Poor Things. The actress takes on the lead role of Yorgos Lanthimos’ surreal new movie and the filmmaker was grateful for the effort she put into her alter ego, Bella Baxter’s intimate sequences in the adaptation of Alasdair Grey’s novel. “It’s a shame that Emma could not be here to speak more about it because it will all be coming from me. First of all sex is an intrinsic part of the novel itself — her freedom about everything, including sexuality,” Yorgos said at the Venice Film Festival, where Poor Things premiered with none of the cast in attendance due the ongoing SAG-AFTRA strike.
The 49-year-old director continued: “Secondly, it was very important for me to not make a film that would be prudish because that would be like completely betraying the main character. We had to be confident Emma had to have no shame about her body while engaging in those scenes and she understood that right away.”

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