Sunny Leone, who co-hosts MTV Splitsvilla with Rannvijay Singhaa, shared a behind-the-scenes video from the show’s sets on Instagram. For a day, Sunny Leone doubled up as a food critic, reviewing the spread served for the cast and crew on Splitsvilla sets. Sunny Leone, known for her signature sense of humour, will crack you up with her ROFL comments. She particularly seemed obsessed with the dessert option – pineapple pastry. Sunny began the video with a sad face because: “The pastries are also gone,” she said. Switching on her food critic avatar, Sunny said: “Let’s start from the beginning. I don’t eat meat but… This, people like a lot. It’s fish and it’s almost gone.” Meanwhile, Sunny spotted a plateful of pastries being taken to fill the empty dessert counter and she couldn’t be more excited. Upon learning those are pineapple pastry, she literally hijacked the tray and exclaimed: “Thank you so much!” The moment Sunny realised she got a bit distracted, she gained composure and returned to her food review and said: “They don’t actually need to make steamed rice anymore because nobody is eating it. It’s just gonna go to waste. They like the daal.”
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