Gauahar Khan blasted a news portal for speculating about her pregnancy and falsely reporting that her husband, Zaid Darbar, is 12 years younger than her. The actor, whose father died last week, asked the website to ‘have some sensitivity’ as she is still mourning his loss. “Tumhara dimaag kharaab hai! Aur facts bhi. 12 saal chote waali galat news hui purani (You have lost your mind and your facts are wrong too. The false news of a 12-year age difference is old), so get ur facts right b4 typing! I’ve just lost my dad so have some sensitivity towards ur baseless reports. @AsianetNewsHN. I am not pregnant, thank you very much!” she wrote on Twitter. Gauahar was responding to a story which suggested that she is pregnant, three months after marrying Zaid. The article also claimed that he is 12 years her junior, which is also inaccurate.
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