Actress Madhuri Dixit Nene has spoken about her decision of taking a break professionally to start a family with her husband Shriram Nene. On the show Kiska Brand Bajega, Madhuri spoke about her decision, “For me, it was one of the dreams I had for myself.”
Madhuri got married in 1999 with Shriram, a cardiovascular surgeon from Los Angeles. They welcomed their first born, named Arin, in 2003. It was two years later that they had their second son Ryan.
Madhuri shared that having a family and children was always something she looked forward to. About whether she was worried about her time off, the actress shared, “I am going to have kids, and this is going to be fun was the only thought.” Madhuri, who made her comeback to acting in 2022 with The Fame Game, emphasised the fact that choosing to have a family was a no-brainer for her.