Hrithik Roshan, Deepika Padukone and director Siddharth Anand put all rumours to rest as they announce their collaboration together today with the film Fighter, on the occasion of Hrithik’s birthday. The Greek God of Bollywood took to his social media handle to introduce Fighter with a motion poster and a sweet note introducing Siddharth’s production house MARFLIX and Deepika. His caption read, “Presenting a glimpse of the MARFLIX vision as #Fighter! Looking forward to my first flight alongside the exceptional @deepikapadukone. All buckled up for this Sid Anand joyride. #SiddharthAnand.” Hrithik’s emotional note for director Siddharth read, “It is an honour for me as an actor to introduce & be a part of Mamta & Sid Anand’s FIRST PRODUCTION #Fighter for MARFLIX! This one is special as it deepens my association with a director and friend whose journey I have witnessed from being an AD on my sets, to directing me in Bang Bang & War. And now as he turns producer for FIGHTER, I cant seem to contain my excitement. This one is pure adrenaline for the heart and mind. So here goes ! BOOM Thank you Sid, for believing in me & making me your co-passenger yet again. Here’s to your journey towards the sky.” It’s a casting coup that Siddharth has pulled off by getting two of the most talented and good looking actors of the Indian film industry together for the very first time, Hrithik and Deepika, for this highly stylized action film. Deepika seems to be on a film signing spree with another big film added to her kitty. The actress took to her social media sharing the asset and her caption read as, “Dreams really do come true… #Fighter #SiddharthAnand @HrithikRoshan #Marflix.”
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