Sunny Leone, on May 28, 2015, gave her statement to the police on the indecency case that was registered by a housewife against her. The actress was quoted by a source in a report as saying that, “The objectionable video clips circulating here belong to when I was working in the adult film industry in the US. I have distanced myself from any such roles after becoming a part of the Indian film fraternity. I feel it would be improper to haunt me with the past when I am trying to move ahead in life.” The actress recorded her statement in the presence of DCP Manere and investigation officer, Jagdish Sawant, in English for over an hour, also disclosing her personal details, stated the report.
An FIR was registered against actress Sunny Leone, Google CEO and a Bollywood magazine in Ajmer on May 24, for allegedly spreading obscenity, as informed by the police authorities. Arinjay Jain had subscribed to a Bollywood magazine through S K R Sharma. The entertainment journal contained obscene photographs of Leone, SHO Ajmer Kotawali police station Jitendra Gangwani said. Jain said he followed a website link given in the magazine and found more obscene contents and pictures of the actress on internet, following which he registered the FIR with police.A case has been registered under section 292 (sale of obscene book) of IPC, relevant sections of the Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act and the IT act, Gangwani said.