Many are stepping up to help others in these difficult times of the pandemic, and Bollywood actor Jacqueline Fernandez is no exception. The actor, who has set up a foundation to ‘create and share stories of kindness’ called You Only Live Once (YOLO), on Thursday, May 6, took to her Instagram to share photos of herself as she helped cook and serve food for the needy. “Mother Teresa once said, ‘Peace begins when the hungry are fed.’ I was truly humbled and inspired to visit Mumbai @rotibankfdn today, which is run by former Mumbai police commissioner Mr. D Sivanandan. Roti Bank has prepared and distributed meals to millions of hungry people till date, even during the pandemic. They are the perfect example of what #kindnessbrigade aspires to do and I am honored to be of help to them during these times. We only live once! Let’s make this life worth it by helping others in need and sharing the #storiesofkindness of those around us!” read the complete caption of the actor’s recent post. Jacqueline had paid a visit to the kitchen of Roti Bank Foundation and tied up with them in order to serve meals to those in need. YOLO works in collaboration with several different non-profit organisations to cater to a variety of causes. Meanwhile, Sunny Leone is doing her bit by joining hands with PETA in order to extend support to the Delhi migrant workers. Sunny, in collaboration with PETA, has donated 10,000 vegan meals to the workers. “I’m delighted to join hands with PETA India again – this time, to get protein-packed vegan meals to thousands in need. We are facing a crisis, but together, with compassion and solidarity, we will come out ahead,” the actor said in a statement.
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