Bollywood actress Jacqueline Fernandez who is known for her dancing skills, recently shook a leg with child actress Aadya Sharma, who plays Dance Rani in social thriller ‘Escaype Live’. The ‘Kick’ actress took to her Instagram to share a video of herself where she can be seen showing the young talent some of her signature moves, Jacqueline Fernandez opened the platform to Dance Rani, who then added her twists to the thumping choreography. With dynamic energy and joyful spirits, the duo offered the audience a glance at the spectacular dance duet. Jacqueline wrote in the caption, “#EscaypeLive ki sabse choti magar sabse talented, Dance rani ke saath faceoff karke mujhe toh bahut maza aaya! Aap bhi iski story follow kijiye.”
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