The release date of the Shahid Kapoor and Mrunal Thakur-starrer sports drama, ‘Jersey’ has been pushed yet again. The makers of the film shared that the film which was earlier supposed to debut in theatres on April 14, will now release on April 22. Sharing the news, the film’s producer, Aman Gill said, “As a team, we have put our blood sweat and tears into ‘Jersey’ and would like our beloved film to reach all of you in the widest possible way. ‘Jersey’ will now release on 22nd April.” The film, presented by Allu Arvind, produced by Dil Raju, S. Naga Vamsi and Aman Gill, has been directed by Gowtam Tinnanuri, and it also stars Shahid’s father Pankaj Kapoor.
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