Every director who has worked with the camera-friendly Kareena Kapoor knows she is a slip-in-slip-out actress who doesn’t believe in preparing for her characters. That is about to change.
For the first time in her career Kareena Kapoor would be follwing an elaborate preparation plan for Prakash Jha’s Satyagrah. Most of our actresses are not well-informed on current political trends.
That’s about to change. Kareena Kapoor will have to get into her journalist-activist’s character’s mind for Satyagrah.
Playing a character modelled on CNN’s super-scribe Christiane Amanpour is not going to be a cakewalk for Kareena Kapoor. Prakash Jha, we hear, has worked out out a gruelling regime for Kareena which includes “getting into the mind” of the activistjournalist. Says a source close to the project, “Kareena would have to become thoroughly familiar with presentday political affairs .And that doesn’t mean just newspaper headlines. Prakash wants her to become sensitized to India‘s contemporary politics. Her character is a fiercely militant investigative journalist.
For her too look credible Parkash feels the words about present day politics and politicians should not come from the script.
They should flow naturally from the actress’ sensitivities as an Indian .” Apparently Kareena’s preparation for the part would include going through the rigorous research material that Prakash Jha has accumulated for Kareena’s character.
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