Bollywood divas Karisma Kapoor and Madhuri Dixit, who have worked together in the film ‘Dil To Pagal Hai’, recently reunited and treated fans with their “dance of Friendship” video. On Wednesday, Karisma dropped a video featuring Madhuri and captioned it, “Dance of Envy Friendship.” In the video, Karisma and Madhuri can be seen grooving to Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone’s ‘Balam Pichkari’ from the film ‘Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani’.
Not only they danced but posed for selfies.
In the pictures, Karisma can be seen dressed in a brown printed kurta pyjama set while Madhuri opted for a yellow printed summery dress enhancing the look with a belt. The video reminded fans of ‘Dil To Pagal Hai’ iconic face-off between Karisma and Madhuri. As soon as the videos and pictures were posted, the actor’s fans and industry friends chimed in the comment section. Kareena Kapoor wrote, “The OG SuperStars.” Tamannaah Bhatia commented, “Icons.” Seeing the reunion of ‘Dil To Pagal Hai’, one of the users wrote, “Sharukh ki kami hai bass beautiful to see them together.” Another commented, “dil to Pagal h” 2 ban jati”.
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