While her contemporaries like Priyanka Chopra and Deepika Padukone are busy heading westward to pursue their Hollywood ambitions, Katrina Kaif says she is very content to work just in Bollywood films. When asked if she’d like to work on a Hollywood project any soon, the actress said that as an actor, she wants to be a part of good films and that Bollywood is her industry; her home, a place that has gifted her with a successful career and much more. However, Katrina was quick to add that if someone does come to her (from Hollywood) with a good offer, she wouldn’t hesitate to do the film. She even cited that English being her first language, it would be an added advantage for her to hear English scripts.
Kat also listed more reasons for staying put in Bollywood. She said that it would require more steps like getting an agent, manager, building a fan base, which is a painstaking and time consuming process. Katrina quipped that although it would be a lovely experience, she didn’t have the time for it in the foreseeable future.
Source: TOI
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