Kriti Sanon has made a ‘humble request’ to the media and the paparazzi who are sharing visuals from Dilip Kumar’s funeral. The actor took to her Instagram Stories and urged the media to avoid covering celebrity funerals for it’s disturbing to see ‘videos of such a sensitive event with photographers talking casually in the background’. Dilip Kumar died on Wednesday, July 7 morning. In the evening, the actor was buried at the Juhu Qabrastan in Mumbai. Videos and pictures from the funeral were shared on social media.
In her appeal to the media, titled ‘A humble request’, Kriti Sanon said, “Is it necessary for media and paparazzi to cover someone’s funeral? A funeral is a very personal affair and media should let people mourn in peace without a camera flashing in their faces! It’s disturbing to see videos of such a sensitive event with photographers talking casually in the background. I urge the media to please not cover funerals and give the family and closed ones their privacy. Would you like such a personal loss being flashed all over? Lets change things a bit.. Lets put humanity before profession!”