Malaika Arora and Arjun Kapoor dated each other for several years before reportedly parting ways earlier in 2024. Recently, Arjun confirmed at a public event that he is single currently. And now, Malaika has finally broken her silence on their situation, stating that she doesn’t want to discuss her personal life publicly, because that will only attract more scrutiny.
In a recent interview with ETimes, Malaika reacted to Arjun’s public comment about being single. She said that she wants to keep certain aspects of her life private, and said, “I will never choose a public platform to talk about my personal life. So, whatever Arjun has said is entirely his prerogative.” In an earlier interaction with the paparazzi, Arjun had declared, “Nahin ab main single hoon, relax karo (No, I am now single. Relax).
Arjun Kapoor and Malaika Arora started dating in 2018, after her divorce from ex-husband Arbaaz Khan in 2017. They made their relationship Instagram-official in 2019. Both of them were quite comfortable about discussing their relationship in public, with Arjun often being asked if a wedding was on the cards. Rumours of their spilt had been doing the rounds for a while, especially after they deleted their photos together from social media. However, Arjun stood by Malaika’s side after her stepfather Anil Mehta passed away earlier this year.
Talking about showing up for his ex-partner, he had said in an interview with Raj Shamani, “When what happened with dad and Khushi-Janhvi, there was an impulse. And in this case also, there was an instinct and impulse. If I’ve formed an emotional bond with somebody, I would always like to believe that I will be there regardless of the good and the bad. If I’m invited for the good, I will be there. And if I’m needed for the bad, I will be there. I’m not somebody who has a lot of friends, I’m not doing this for all and sundry. If that person doesn’t want me there, I’ll maintain a distance, as I have in the past.”