Mandira Bedi, who earlier this week named and shamed a couple of trolls for attacking her daughter Tara, has said that she doesn’t give ‘two hoots’ if they target her, but her ‘claws come out’ when her children are subjected to abuse. In two Instagram stories, Mandira highlighted the sort of abuse that Tara, whom she adopted last year, gets from certain sections of the internet. One person had called the child a ‘street kid’ who didn’t appear to fit into the family. In an interview, Mandira reflected on her moment of anger, and said that her friends had dissuaded her from commenting about the abuse on social media. “I don’t know what struck me that I went through the comments on this one photograph of my family. It was appalling to see those nasty comments for a little child. What kind of people say such disgusting things about a harmless kid? While I normally ignore trolls and haters, these two-three messages that I saw late at night on Monday upset me, and this time, I felt the need to respond. Tara is innocent and too young to understand what happened, but it hurt me,” she told a leading daily.
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