Actor Mandira Bedi on Sept 9, Thursday said that there is a ‘long way to go’ before she feels normal again, months after the death of her husband Raj Kaushal. Taking to Instagram, she shared a picture collage of herself and her fitness band.
In the photo, Mandira Bedi posed for the camera with a no-makeup look. She wore a black sports bra paired with a pink and white leggings. She captioned the post, “It’s a long way to go to feel normal again. Emotionally, mentally and physically. But I wake up every morning with purpose and aim for as much positivity that I can muster.”
“And in all of this I still practice #gratitude .. because there is always, always something to be grateful for. Have a nice day all of you #nirbhaunirvair,” Mandira added.
Reacting to the post, Gaurav Gera wrote, “Love.” Adil Hussain said, “You are such an inspiration… Lots of love.” Aditi Govitrikar commented, “Big hug.” Mandira has been giving her fans glimpses of herself on social media after Raj’s death. He died on June 30 after suffering a heart attack at the age of 49. He directed films like Pyaar Mein Kabhi Kabhi and Shaadi Ke Laddoo. Mandira had performed Raj’s last rites.