Actor Gaspard Ulliel who was cast as the character of Anton Mogart in the upcoming Marvel mini-series Moon Knight died at the age of 37. The incident happened following a ski accident. According to Deadline, the Cesar-winning actor was hospitalised on Tuesday after suffering a head injury and did not recover, the actor’s family and local agent have said. He was transported by helicopter to a hospital in Grenoble following a collision on the slopes in the Savoie region. Mountain police have been responding to multiple accidents in the region due to hard snow and ice on the slopes. According to a tweet by Variety, Gaspard collided with another skier and suffered serious brain trauma. Local authorities have opened an investigation into the accident. As soon as the news came to light, people started reacting to it. One person tweeted, “Man, finally gets on a series the whole world is gonna see and tragedy strikes.”
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