Actress Sonam Kapoor, who has again teamed up with her actor-father Anil Kapoor and sister Rhea in ‘Khoobsurat’ after ‘Aisha’, says it’s not easy to work with family members. “It’s more difficult to work with your family because they have high expectations from you… You have to be on your best behaviour, you need to be on time, remember all your lines….
“We had Kirron Kher, Ratna Pathak in the film, so it was amazing. I had a great time,” Sonam said. She will play Mili in the remake of the 1980 movie “Khubsoorat”, which starred Rekha. She says Rekha is incredible and she wants to be like her. “I finished (filming) ‘Khoobsurat’. It was amazing and will release this year.
No, we don’t have her (Rekha) making a guest appearance unfortunately, but she is one of my family’s closest friends. We always need her blessings,” said Sonam. “That day when we were at the launch together she said let’s take a picture so, that was our ‘Khoobsurat’ moment. It’s so sweet of her to say that. She is incredible. I hope to achieve at least 20 percent of what she has achieved. She is awesome. I want to look like her,” she added.
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