Cast: Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum, Richard Attenborough
Direction: Steven Spielberg
Genre: Adventure
Duration: 2 hours 6 minutes
STORY: Spielberg’s 1993 epic blockbuster has been remastered into 3D, so that fans can revisit the classic in theatres, while the younger ones can get introduced to the cult dinosaur disaster movie with enhanced viewing experience. REVIEW: There is something about disaster films that make us want to watch them over and over again. While watching others battle hard to survive a catastrophe, you subconsciously become those characters, which ensures an adrenalin rush.
Their fear and courage engulf you, enabling you to live the adventure you see on the big screen. Who better than Steven Spielberg to help you do so! 20 years back, ripples were not just created in the glasses of water kept on the dashboard of a car in the film’s iconic scene, marking the thunderous footsteps of an approaching dinosaur, but also at the box office as the ‘first-of-its-kind’ eco-horror took the audiences by storm.
The re-release of the triple Oscar-winning movie gives you an opportunity to watch the lunging velociraptors and T. Rexes in 3D. But before the fun part (dinosaur attack) begins, the opening half of the film does seem a bit ‘old-fashioned’ in its slow and gradual build-up. Lectures on the science of ‘cloning dinosaurs’, DNA, etc., along with an introduction to the paleontologists and scientists who are invited to millionaire John Hammond’s ( Richard Attenborough) island theme park ‘Jurassic Park’ for a preview make you a tad impatient.
Post-that, you are kept on the edge of your seat till the end, with not just impactful CGI and 3D but also by striking an emotional chord with you. Dr. Alan Grant’s ( Sam Neill) rapport with the kids, Ian Malcolm’s ( Jeff Goldblum) sharp one-liners and John Hammond’s (Richard Attenborough) heartfelt love for his dangerous theme park is simply wonderful. In times of Life of Pi and Avatar, the 3D doesn’t seem outstanding but nowhere does it fall short of giving you goosebumps, especially in the brilliant scene towards the end, when velociraptors stalk the kids in the kitchen. While Spielberg’s story-telling still stays the film’s USP, the 3D does add to its brilliance. Here’s looking forward to Jurassic Park 4 in 2014!
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