Actress Urvashi Rautela has shared a cryptic post for Karwa Chauth, which has made netizens ask her to leave cricketer Rishabh Pant alone. Urvashi, who is currently in Australia, made a post for Karva Chauth on Instagram. She is seen dressed in a red saree and has completed her look with a mangalsutra and sindoor. She captioned the image: “Prem main padi premika ko, sindoor se priye kuch nahi hota!! Saari rasm rivaaz ke saath chahiye umar bhar ka saath piya tumse.” Users couldn’t stop themselves commenting on the picture as they thought the caption is cryptic and directed towards Pant.
One wrote: “World cup ke baad hum shaadi karwa denge but please usko divert na karo.” “Pant ko chod do world cup ke liye please,” said another. “Is hisaab se chalta rahega to World Cup ka to pata nai, bhaiya Bhabhi ki Australia me zarur ho jaegi,” commented a user.