She has had a rollicking career since her Bollywood debut, Ladies Vs Ricky Bahl. Now, Parineeti a is set to add another dimension to her career with her singing debut with the song, ‘Maana ke hum yaar nahi’, in her next film, Meri Pyaari Bindu. Herein, she talks about singing, working in Golmaal Again and more. Honestly, it was nerve-wracking. I am always singing. I have even sung on stage before but singing on the mic is on another level. Now, I understand why playback singers are geniuses because for that, you require talent. Thankfully, I think I performed okay for the first song. Every one – including Sachin-Jigar, Maneesh Sharma (producer), Akshay (Roy), Kausar (Munir) and, most importantly, my parents – were happy.