Nimrat Kaur was last seen in Abhishek Bachchan’s Dasvi as Bimla Devi. This was her first Bollywood project in seven years. Now, in an interaction with Hindustan Times, Nimrat talked about her absence from Bollywood and said, “I haven’t consciously stayed away from Bollywood films. I genuinely wanted to work on more projects.” When Nimrat Kaur was asked about the thought of being forgotten by the Indian audience due to her absence, she said, “I’ve enough faith and belief that whichever project I take up in any part of the world, no matter how much time it takes, there will always be a space in the audience’s mind for me. I hear things like ‘they want to see more of me’, and that’s very encouraging. It’s the ‘absence makes the heart grow fonder’ kind of thing.” Nimrat Kaur wishes she had spent more time in Bollywood and added, “I wish I could have chased my last Hindi project way quicker with a new project.”
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