Actress Nora Fatehi took to social media to share a video of herself cooking up a storm in Dubai. The actress is seen helping Turkish Chef Burak Ozdemir perform a few tricks in public as they dished up some delicious delights. The actress joined famed chef Burak Ozdemir at his Turkish-Middle Eastern restaurant at the Boulevard Point in Dubai. In the video, she is seen performing a few visually pleasing techniques under the supervision of the chef and aces a pot flip on her own. Nora was enjoying the evenings entertaining activities and also was seen sitting inside the restaurant to feast upon her well-deserved meal. She captioned the video saying, The flip was on point thank you @cznburak for the lovely surprise and the warm hospitality! I had fun last night. The Chef responded to the tweet and said: We love you. The actress who is known for her amazing dance skills was last seen in Street Dancer 3D along with Varun Dhawan and Shraddha Kapoor. Her next upcoming film is Bhuj: The Pride Of India with Ajay Devgn.
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