STORY: While conducting an experiment in a lab, a college student accidentally invents a chemical which can turn things invisible. Taking undue advantage of the discovery, a few classmates decide to loot a wealthy woman. Can their plan succeed?

REVIEW: While they do execute their plan and manage to flee with the money, they find themselves being chased by gangsters, cops and a CBI officer. This running around forms the story. The youngsters use their ‘spray’ quite often while on the run to misguide those chasing them and these scenes are supposed to look funny but they don’t. Low production value, poor dubbing (apparently this is not a remake but a dubbed version of the maker’s Tamil film), shoddy effects, atrocious songs, inconsequential concept and an irrelevant love story makes this journey a tiresome experience. The film is no Mr. India. Nor is it a sci-fi. It’s a badly made dramedy, which makes you want to magically disappear from the movie hall. Spray that thing on us, I say!

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