Actor Parineeti Chopra on Thursday, January 25, announced that she is officially making a foray into music as a singer. Chopra, who has a background in classical music, has signed up with Entertainment Consultant LLP, a renowned name in the entertainment world affiliated with TM Ventures Pvt Ltd and TM Talent Management. “Music, to me, has always been my happy place…I’ve watched countless musicians all over the world performing on the stage and now it’s finally my time to be a part of that world. “I feel so lucky, blessed and stressed about starting off a whole new chapter in my life and I honestly can’t describe how excited I am to embark on this musical journey. A journey that gives me the opportunity to have two careers at once! How fun (and chaotic). So here’s to embracing the unknown and facing all my fears and kicking off my singing debut,” Chopra wrote in a post on Instagram.
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