Actor Parineeti Chopra is all set to star in filmmaker Imtiaz Ali’s upcoming movie Chamkila. The film marks the first collaboration between Parineeti and Imtiaz. As Parineeti has to begin prep for Chamkila, the actor has, unfortunately, decided to opt out of Animal. A trade source said, “Parineeti is going to work with Imtiaz Ali for the first time in her career as the heroine in the ace director’s next, Chamkila. It is a huge moment for her because she has always wanted to creatively collaborate with the visionary director.” He added, “She has to get into prep immediately for the shoot and unfortunately due to this development, she won’t be able to shoot for Animal as there is a major overlap of dates between the two films. So, RK and Pari fans will have to wait a little bit longer for a new project to bring them together on screen.” Parineeti Chopra had signed Ranbir Kapoor starrer Animal last year. The film, also starring Anil Kapoor, will be helmed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga of Kabir Singh fame. It is scheduled to release during Dussehra festival this year. Chamkila marks Imtiaz Ali’s return to direction after Love Aaj Kal (2020).
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