Siddharth Anand’s Pathaan is out on Prime Video, almost two months after its theatrical release. The Shah Rukh Khan-starrer released on March 25 and became the biggest Hindi hits of all time, collecting more than Rs 1000 crore. The OTT version of the film came with four additional scenes and fans have been sharing and talking about them on social media.
One of the scenes shows Shah Rukh’s titular Pathaan getting tortured by the Russians. A particularly gory scene shows him strapped to a chair as an officer pulls a nails out of his fingers. Pathaan screams in agony as the officer says, “Batado Pathaan, tum jaante ho, end mein sab bolte hain (Speak up Pathaan, you know everyone speaks up in the end).” Pathaan jokes with him, “Teri Hindi bahut acchi hai. Teri maa Hindustan gai thi? Ya joint operation (Your Hindi is great. Did your mom go to Hindustan or were you part of joint operation)…” he says but gets a big punch in his face for it.
Another scene showed him making entry to a 50 Cent song. As he enters the JOKR facility, he is greeted by his team. A colleague rushes to give him a hug but he says, “Agar zindagi rahi toh gale milege (We will share a hug some other day).”