Actress Sara Ali Khan, who recently sustained a burn injury on her belly, has shared a workout video in which she could be seen doing abs burnout exercises. Sara, who is currently gearing up for the release of her two films — ‘Ae Watan Mere Watan’ and ‘Murder Mubarak’ — had suffered a minor burn injury on March 6 when she accidentally spilled hot coffee on her belly while she was busy with promotional activities. The actress, known for her work in ‘Kedarnath’, took to Instagram where she shared a reel video. The snippet shows Sara in light blue shorts and a matching sports top, working out in gym while flaunting her toned abs. “Pehle stomach burn… Ab abs ka turn…You gotta work so you can earn… the sarso ka saag for which you yearn…,” Sara captioned the post. The video has already garnered 1.3 million views, with fans showering love on Sara.
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