By Mabel Pais
Theme: “Challenges and Hope South of the Border”
Special Guest Honored: Journalist Crisitan Benavides
PIX11 reporter, and three-time Emmy Award winner
Plan International USA’s (Plan) NYC Leadership Council (NYCLC) is hosting its third annual fundraiser in celebration of International Day of the Girl.
The event will feature journalist Crisitan Benavides, who will speak at the event.
To Celebrate the International Day of the Girl, join Plan’s NYCLC on Wednesday, October 2nd, 2018 from 6 to 9 pm at Grant Thornton (venue sponsor) NYC, 757 Third Avenue, 9th Floor
This year’s theme is “Challenges and Hope South of the Border” celebrating the potential of girls globally. Girls are often prevented from realizing their basic rights. They are silenced and excluded from the choices that shape their futures. Plan and the NYCLC believe girls belong in school, on the playing field, and in leadership positions. Their voices belong in discussions that affect the political and economic life of their communities and countries.
This year’s event will feature a conversation with three-time Emmy winning journalist Cristian Benavides, who recently traveled to Central America’s Northern Triangle to report live from the root of America’s migrant crisis.
The event will also feature a discussion about the challenges girls face around the world and how these barriers can be overcome. The event on October 2 will focus on Plan International’s programs in El Salvador and Guatemala to improve the lives of children and families there.
Funds raised at the event will support scholarships for middle school girls in Guatemala, build employment and entrepreneurship skills for youth in Guatemala, and help to combat gender violence in El Salvador.
In recent years, tens of thousands of families from Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala have migrated to the United States seeking asylum from the region’s violence and civil wars.
Featured Speakers

Cristian Benavides, PIX11 reporter and three-time Emmy Award winner, this past spring traveled to Central America’s Northern Triangle to report live from the root of America’s migrant crisis. He will join a discussion about the challenges girls face around the world and how these barriers can be overcome.

Rose Nguyenis a freshman at Princeton University and a member of Plan International USA’s Youth Advisory Board. She will speak at the event about her experiences with Plan and the organization’s youth activities.

Photos / Courtesy Plan-USA 2019
Parth Patelis a senior at the University of Florida studying computer engineering and a member of Plan International USA’s Youth Advisory Board. He will speak at the event about his experiences with Plan and the organization’s youth activities.
For more detailed information about the event, visit: events.planusa.org/event/nyclc-international-day-of-the-girl-celebration-2019/
Plan International USA
Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organization that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. Plan believes in the power and potential of every child.
Working together with children, young people, supporters, and partners, Plan strives for a just world, tackling the root causes of the challenges facing girls and all vulnerable children. For more information, please visit PlanUSA.org.
The NYC Leadership Council
The NYC Leadership Council is a group of passionate New York City and tri-state business owners and professionals who support Plan’s global gender equality initiatives, designed to ensure girls everywhere can learn, lead, decide, and thrive.
“Challenges and Hope South of the Border”
Join the New York City Leadership Council for Plan International USA to celebrate International Day of the Girl.
This exciting event will focus on programs in El Salvador and Guatemala, where Plan is helping girls build secure futures, right in their own communities.
Silent Auction
Wine and Hors d’oeuvres Reception
Musical Performance by singer, songwriter, and activist, Morley
A Conversation with Emmy Award-Winning Reporter, Cristian Benavides, WPIX 11 News
Meet Plan International USA’s Youth Ambassadors
Save Your Place: Get your tickets today to save your place at the celebration.
Individual and CorporateSponsorships available.
You can help create a brighter future for girls in Central America.
As a sponsor, you will be recognized in Plan’s marketing materials, at the event, and on social media.
This exciting event will focus on programs in El Salvador and Guatemala, where Plan is helping girls build secure futures, right in their own communities.
Attendees will include strong advocates for women and girls around the world. You can join forces with this powerful group and reach an audience of influential women, including members of the NYC Leadership Council and women leaders from across the New York area.
For more information on becoming a sponsor, visit https://events.planusa.org/event/nyclc-international-day-of-the-girl-sponsorship/e245781
\(Mabel Pais writes on the Arts and Entertainment, Social Issues, Spirituality, and Health & Wellness. She can be reached at mabelep1406@gmail.com)
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