Actor Priyanka Chopra is excited about her upcoming Netflix movie, The White Tiger. On Wednesday, she took to Instagram to share pictures and videos of the screener package she had received for the movie.
Also attached with the screener was a ‘For Your Consideration’ leaflet, asking awards academies, associations and other organisations to consider the film and its team for the upcoming awards season. Priyanka’s name was submitted in the Best Actress in a Supporting Role while her co-star Rajkummar Rao’s name was submitted in Best Actor in a Supporting Role category. The film’s lead, Adarsh Gourav, was championed for the Best Actor in a Leading Role category while Divine and others were asked to be considered in the Best Original Song category for their song, Jungle Mantra. Director Ramin Bahrani and multiple others’ names have also been submitted in different categories.
Sharing the leaflet on Instagram Stories, Priyanka added by fire effects and wrote, “And then I saw this!!” Adarsh, too, reposted her video on his Instagram page. Rajkummar, meanwhile, shared a picture of a large billboard, bearing the film’s poster in New York City. The White Tiger opened to largely positive reviews last week. It released in select theatres in the US and will start streaming on Netflix on January 22. Based on the Man Booker Prize-winning novel by the same name, it is being called among the few frontrunners this awards season.
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