Priyanka Chopra is currently filming for her next series with Russo Brothers, Citadel, in Spain. The actor has shared a behind-the-scene picture, carrying a gun on a beach. Sharing the picture, Priyanka wrote, “Facing fears like the warrior she is…can’t wait for you to meet her. #BTS #Citadel.” A fan wrote, “An awesome look.” Another commented, “So super.” Many called her “beautiful.’ Priyanka has been sharing regular updates from her shoot in Europe. She had recently shared a selfie in a face mask while on her way to the sets. She captioned it, “Taking advantage of the drive to work!” and added hashtags, ‘Self care first’ and ‘Citadel.’ She had also shared a glimpse from her chartered flight to Europe. Her fans were delighted to see how she was sitting cross-legged in the private jet and enjoying champagne with her team.