Rajkummar Rao and Bhumi Pednekar proved to be powerful Jodi in Badhaai Do. The talented actors worked together for the first time in the film and it was a treat for the audience. Now, they are all set to share the screen again and dropped some major hints on their social media. Rajkummar Rao and Bhumi Pednekar’s picture-perfect Instagram feeds have taken a monochromatic turn. To everyone’s surprise, their respective feeds are teleporting us back to the black-and-white era. However, their captions are hinting at a new project.
Taking to his Instagram, Rajkummar Rao shared a black-and-white picture with the caption, “Uncovering the untold story of partition. Stay tuned… #BlackAndWhite (sic)”. Bhumi also posted something similar. She wrote, “The story of a partition that led many to become strangers in their own land. Stay tuned… #BlackAndWhite (sic)” Here’s the post:
The Instagram pictures seem like they are from the time of the partition and it totally looks like they are hinting at a new project. These black and white pictures have caused a storm on the internet & everyone is keen to know what it’s about.After Badhaai Do and before this project that the duo are hinting at, Rajkummar and Bhumi would be sharing the screen in a film titled Bheed. It is directed by Anubhav Sinha, who has earlier helmed films like Anek, Thappad and Article 15. He is also producing the film jointly with Bhushan Kumar.
Rajkummar Rao Wins Best Actor Jury Award For Monica O My Darling
The News18 Showsha Reel Awards was a star-studded affair in B-Town. The event took place on February 25, honouring actors and filmmakers for their contribution in the entertainment industry with films and shows. Rajkummar Rao was presented with the Jury Award in the Best Actor category for his work in Monica, O My Darling.
On receiving the award, he shared on stage, “Thank you so much jury. Thank you Vasan (Bala) – the man, the only reason behind Monica, O My Darling. The film is because of you. We all keep saying that, and we have to believe it now. Thank you Akansha (Ranjan Kapoor), Huma (Qureshi), Radhika (Apte), Sikander (Kher). It was a very special film always, but to get an award, I think that has added a lot to it.” Monica, O My Darling is a whodunnit with bunch of twists and turns.
The actor also took to his social media handle to share a photo of himself with the award and wrote, “Won the Best Actor award at #News18ReelAwards for #MonicaOMyDarling. Thank you jury. Thank you team #Monica.” The actor looked dapper in a blazer and donned one of his brightest smiles as he received the award. The award was presented to him by Ram Madhvani and Divya Dutta.