Ranveer Singh, who was hailed by many for his performance in ’83, has won the Best Actor of the Year award at the prestigious Indian Film Festival of Melbourne (IIFM). The film featured him in the role of the Indian cricket team captain Kapil Dev and was directed by Kabir Khan. It was based on India’s legendary and first win in the World Cup Match. Needless to say, Ranveer Singh expressed his happiness and gratitude for this win adding that 83 will always be one of the most cherished films in his filmography. Speaking about it, Ranveer said, “I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the jury members at IFFM for bestowing me with the Best Actor of the Year Award for my role as Kapil Dev. ‘83 is one of the most loved films of my career! It’ll always be one of the most cherished films in my filmography.”
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