The 90s Bollywood stars, Raveena Tandon and Sanjay Dutt have come together for a romantic comedy, titled Ghudhchadi. The film, helmed by debut director Binoy Gandhi, is said to be a mix of romance and drama. It went on floors on Wednesday, Feb 23. The makers announced the film with a small teaser that flashed the names of its cast members. Besides Raveena and Sanjay, the film also stars Aruna Irani and Khushalii Kumar (daughter of Gulshan Kumar). It will also mark the Bollywood debut of Kasautii Zindagi Kay actor Parth Samthaan. T-Series shared the announcement teaser with the caption, “When the hit duo from 90s will meet the newage sweethearts, a fun ride will unfold. #Ghudchadi a rom-com drama goes on floors today.” The production house also shared a couple of photos with the film’s team as they began shooting for it. However, it seems Raveena hasn’t yet started working on the film as she was missing from pictures shared by T-Series.
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