Actor Radhika Apte, in a new interview, revealed how sex comedies came to her after starring in Varun Dhawan’s Badlapur. While she clarified that she has no issue with the genre, she rejected such films as these subjects can be derogatory to women. She said she won’t be a part of projects celebrating jokes about women. In Badlapur, Radhika Apte plays the role of Vinay Pathak’s wife. In a scene, she strips to nothing in order to save her husband’s life from Varun Dhawan. After the film released, Radhika said she was offered roles in sex comedies, which she denied. When asked about the reason why she would refuse a big-ticket film, Radhika told Bollywood Hungama, “I think a couple of sex comedies were offered to me after Badlapur. I don’t have a problem with sex comedies. Hunterrr (2015) could be called a sex comedy as well. But, the kind of sex comedies we had, in the past, can be very derogatory to women and can be very very objectified. They objectify women and I don’t like the humour. So, I don’t do it.” Source: HT
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