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Richa Chadha has been quite adamant about not getting into a relationship with someone from the industry, but she seems to think otherwise now.

The 30-year-old says that she won’t mind dating an actor. “I used to feel that way, but now, I have changed my mind. I?have matured with time. I realise that people are people, no matter where they are from,” says Richa.

Unlike many actors who are comfortable being in relationship with someone from the same profession, Richa however, feels that things are more difficult when one is dating an actor. “It comes with its own set of problems. There will always be professional rivalry. There is a lot of temptation (in the industry),” she says.

Richa also says that it largely depends on the person you fall for. “If you meet the right person, and fall in love, you can’t deny it. If someone is perfect for me, I’ll be with him no matter where he is from. But I have to feel that way for him. I won’t date a vaguish businessman. I?need to fall in love with the person,” she adds. Ask her if she has found the right one and she laughs, “I’m interested in some people. Let’s see where it goes. I was so busy with work, but now that I’m going on a break, I’ll finally have some time to concentrate on my love life.”

As far as her career is concerned, Richa has been on the lookout for interesting projects. “I’ve read three scripts and liked two of them. I’ve to say no to the third one and decide what else to do,” says Richa who would be seen in Cabaret and the sequel to 2013 film Fukey.

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