Arbaaz Khan has returned with a new season of his talk show, Pinch, where celebrities laugh, and also react to mean tweets. On Wednesday, he shared the promo for the show, which featured Salman Khan, Ananya Panday, Anil Kapoor, Kiara Advani, Rajkummar Rao, Ayushmann Khurrana, Farah Khan and others. The video begins with Arbaaz Khan reading out a comment about Salman Khan, “Janta ka bhagwan mat bano (Don’t try to play god for the audience).” Salman replied, “Sahi baat hai, ek hi bhagwan hai, aur woh main nahi hoon (Absolutely. There is only one God and it is not me).” Salman then replied to a troll who commented on his home being aiyyashi ka adda (den of vice), “Inhone mere post ke andar aisa kya dekh liya, jo ki humara ghar hai, unko aiyashi ka adda kaise lag raha hai (What did they see in my post that my house looks like a den of vice to them)?” he asked.
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