Bollywood star Salman Khan is all set to revisit his action image in his upcoming project, Sikandar. The actor is set to perform some heavy-duty action scenes in the AR Murugadoss directorial. The actor, who was battling a nerve injury a few years ago, was advised against performing action scenes. But sources told India Today that Salman has been losing weight and also getting into a rigorous fitness regime to look his fittest best for Sikandar.
The film also stars Rashmika Mandana, and a special workshop was held with Salman and Rashmika before they commenced the shoot.
The actor is set to do a month-long schedule in Mumbai for the same. Special fight sequences that include hand- to-hand combat have been choreographed for the film. Salman has also been training to get in shape for his role. The actor was last seen in Tiger 3, where he shared screen space with Katrina Kaif and Emraan Hashmi. Salman also has Karan Johar’s The Bull and the actioner, Tiger vs Pathaan, in the pipeline, where he will once again share screen with close friend and superstar Shah Rukh Khan.
Giving more information on it, the source further said, “While Sikandar has a lot of action in it, there are ample of emotional and dramatic moments in the screenplay, and Salman is looking forward for the high-octane moments under the direction of AR Murugadoss. Rashmika, Sathyaraj and Prateik Babbar too will be a part of this schedule. “The team is in the process of identifying a palace which brings scale and rich production values to the film. The third schedule will take place around November.”