Actor Anupam Kher organized a special screen of his new film ‘Uunchai’ in Mumbai on Wednesday that was attended by film’s director Sooraj, Salman Khan among others. Salman has starred in several Sooraj Bharjatya films over the years and there were talks about their reunion too. At the ‘Uunchai’ premiere, when Salman Khan walked the red carpet with the filmmaker, the media stationed there asked Sooraj if he has ideas on creating a new version of Salman’s iconic Prem series of characters in his next film? Responding to them, Sooraj said, “Prem will return,” and added, “title registered.” Salman then jokingly said, “Prem will return and he will make sure that he gets married too. Inhone picture ka title bhi announce bhi kar diya, Prem Ki Shaadi.”
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