Sara Ali Khan had a rather eventful start to her day on Sunday as the actor received a minor scare with a light bulb exploding in her vanity while she was getting her make-up done. Sara shared the video on her Instagram Stories on Sunday morning. In the video, she can be seen getting her make-up done in preparation for a shoot. “Just ask Jeetu for nariyal-paani,” she is heard telling someone off camera. As her make-up artiste finishes the touch ups and moves away, a loud pop is heard and a flash of light is seen in the video. The video immediately crashes with a beep. Sara shared this video with the caption “Mornings like these,” followed by three ghost emojis to signify that it was a scary experience. She also shared a lightbulb and explosion emoji to denote what happened. The actor tagged make-up artiste Aditya Sharma and producer Pooja Vijan in the story as well.